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A Graphical Interface for Distrobox

BoxBuddy User Guide

Creating a new Distrobox

Click the + button in the top-left of the window’s header bar. This will bring up a new window where you can enter some options for your new box.

Once these options are filled out, click the blue “Create” button in the top-right of the header bar to create your box. A loading spinner will appear while the box is being created, then a terminal window will spawn to begin initialising the box.

Bear in mind that if you do not have an image on your system when creating a new box, the image must first be pulled from the internet. This can sometimes take a minute or two, so please be patient.

Using Distrobox Assemble

If you wish to use Distrobox’s Assemble feature, click the hammer icon in the top-left, next to the + button.

This will spawn a file-chooser window. Select your .ini file and press the blue “Open” button in the file-chooser’s header bar.

A pop-up window will appear with a loading spinner, letting you know that your boxes are being created. Upon completion this window will disappear and your new boxes should appear in BoxBuddy.

Note These boxes will need to be initialised before they can be used. Simply click the “Open Terminal” button against each box and wait for the initialisations to finish.

If no boxes appear, your .ini file may not be valid. Please check it and try again.

For more information on Distrobox Assemble, check out the documentation here.

Using the Distrobox

Opening a Terminal

To open a terminal in the box, click the “Open Terminal” button. This should spawn a terminal window running inside the box.

Upgrading a Box

Click the “Upgrade Box” button to use the distro’s package manager to upgrade all packages in the box. This will spawn a terminal window where you can watch the progress.

Stopping a Box

If a box is running there will be a stop symbol in the top-right of the application window, next to the box’s status (which will probably say “Up X Minutes”). Click this stop button to stop the box.

If the box is definitely running but the button does not appear, click the menu button in the titlebar (top-right) and choose “Refresh” to reload BoxBuddy’s UI (or press the F5 key). This should update the box’s current status and make the stop button appear.

Removing a Box

Click the “Delete Box” button to remove a box. A confirmation pop-up will appear to make sure you wish to permanently delete the box. Click “Delete” to confirm, or “Cancel” to go back.

Managing Applications

Installing / Removing

Any boxes which support .deb or .rpm files will have a button labelled “Install .deb File” or “Install .rpm File”. Click this button and choose a .deb or .rpm file to install.

A terminal window will appear with the output from your box’s package manager asking you to confirm the packages to install. If you are happy to proceed, type a y into the terminal and press Enter. The install will then begin. To cancel the install, type an n and press Enter.

You may also right-click a .deb or .rpm file in your file manager and choose “Open with BoxBuddy”.

Nautilus right-click menu

This will open BoxBuddy with a pop-up asking you to choose the box to install this file into. Select your choice of box from the dropdown and press the blue “Install” button in the header bar to begin the installation.

If no boxes supporting the file could be found, BoxBuddy will instead show an error message to let you know that it cannot find an appropriate box. For .deb files, a Debian box is recommended, and for .rpm files a Fedora box is recommended.

To install files with the box’s CLI package manager, use the “Open Terminal” button to spawn a terminal inside your box, then use the package manager to install and remove packages.

There is currently no way to uninstall an application using BoxBuddy’s interface - you must open a terminal and use the package manager to uninstall things.


Click the “View Applications” button to see a pop-up containing a list of all applications installed in the box. This may take a few seconds to load.

Click the “Run” button next to your desired application to execute it.

Exporting / Unexporting

In the “View Applications” window you should see either an “Add To Menu” or “Remove From Menu” button next to each application. Clicking the “Add To Menu” button will export this application so that it appears in your system’s menu. Likewise, clicking the “Remove From Menu” button will remove it from your menu.

The menu button can be found in the top-right of the application’s header bar, marked by an icon of 3 horizontal lines.


This option will reload the UI, which can be useful if the status of a box changes since BoxBuddy was last updated.

Set Preferred Terminal

A pop-up window will appear containing a dropdown list of all supported terminals. Simply choose the terminal you would like BoxBuddy to use from this list, then hit the blue “Save” button in the header bar. The pop-up will then close and your choice of terminal will be saved.

Note if your chosen terminal cannot be launched, BoxBuddy will run through the list of supported terminals in the order specified here.

About BoxBuddy

Shows a pop-up window with details about BoxBuddy and some useful links.


Closes BoxBuddy.